Payment Policy

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WrenchersParlor allows buyers and sellers to use various forms of Payment Services on, and WrenchersParlor’s mobile apps. Users can pay with and accept payment by credit card, debit card, some bank transfer services, through the following Payment Processors – PayPal, and Stripe —all in their domestic currencies. This policy explains all of your rights and obligations when using WrenchersParlor Payment Services and Payment Processors.

This policy is a part of our Terms and Conditions. By using WrenchersParlor Payment Services and Payment Processors, you’re agreeing to this policy and our Terms and Conditions.

Accepting These Terms
Third-Party Services
WrenchersParlor’s Rights and Responsibilities
Seller Rights and Responsibilities
Appointment of WrenchersParlor as Limited Payment Collection Agent for Sellers
Payment Processing Transaction Fees
Reporting Obligations

Accepting These Terms

This document (the WrenchersParlor Payment Services Policy or the “Policy,” for short) sets out your rights and responsibilities when you use WrenchersParlor Payment Services and Payment Processors on WrenchersParlor’s services (we’ll refer to, and WrenchersParlor’s mobile apps and other services as our “Services”), so please read it carefully. By using WrenchersParlor Payment Services and Payment Processors, you’re agreeing to the Policy.

The Policy is a legally binding contract between you and WrenchersParlor.


WrenchersParlor Payment Services allows sellers to (a) accept payment by authorized credit and debit card transactions, some bank transfers services, PayPal, and Stripe, (b) have those funds credited to a seller’s payment account with WrenchersParlor, and (c) have those funds deposited into a seller’s designated payment account – PayPal, and Stripe, or Bank Account.

Sellers may only use WrenchersParlor Payment Services and Payment Processors for the sale of items listed on WrenchersParlor’s Services, and agree to ship sold items once a payment transaction is complete and reflected in their payment account.

Third-Party Services

WrenchersParlor has engaged third-party service providers to perform many of the services related to payment processing, including card processing, currency exchange, identity verification, fraud analysis and regulatory compliance.

WrenchersParlor partners with PayPal, and Stripe to facilitate card Payment Services and other Payment Services and the disbursement of funds to sellers. The provider and processing time for your payment will vary based on the country in which you’re located.

If there are insufficient funds in your bank account when our provider processes the payment for your purchase, WrenchersParlor reserves the right to contact you directly and to seek payment.

WrenchersParlor may share your personal or transactional information with those third-party service providers when it’s necessary to process payments.

By using a third-party service, you may also be subject to an agreement with the third-party. For example, PayPal is a third-party service provided by PayPal Holdings, Inc. and is subject to the PayPal User Agreement. Apple Pay is a third-party service provided by Apple Inc. and is subject to the Apple Pay Terms and Conditions. Android Pay is a third-party service provided by Google Payment Corp. and is subject to the Android Pay Terms and Conditions for US Users and Users outside the US.

If WrenchersParlor receives notice that your shop’s content or activity violates a third party’s service agreement, we may at our sole discretion take action against your account to comply with their policies. Such actions may include canceling a transaction, disabling listings from your shop, suspending your selling privileges, or removing certain payment methods.

WrenchersParlor’s Rights and Responsibilities

As a security measure, we may impose transaction limits on buyers and sellers. For example, we may impose limits relating to the value of any transaction, deposit, or adjustment, or limits relating to the cumulative value of all transactions, deposits, or adjustments during a period of time. We may also impose limits related to the number of transactions per day or other period of time. We will not be liable to a seller: (a) if we do not proceed with a transaction, deposit, or adjustment that would exceed any limit established by us, or (b) if we permit a buyer to withdraw from a transaction.

WrenchersParlor reserves the right to decline transactions that we believe to be high risk, fraudulent, or in violation of WrenchersParlor’s Terms and Conditions.

WrenchersParlor maintains records associated with transactions on WrenchersParlor Payment Services and does not pass any secure data, including credit card numbers or bank account information to any sellers. Sellers will only receive shipping information and limited buyer account information necessary to complete the order. WrenchersParlor’s Privacy Policy further explains how WrenchersParlor handles user information. We do not store nor have access to any credit card information that is all handled by the Payment Processors – PayPal, and Stripe.

WrenchersParlor will send you any relevant notices regarding your use of WrenchersParlor Payment Services in accordance with our Electronic Communications Policy.

Seller Rights and Responsibilities

A. Use of WrenchersParlor Payment Services.
You are required to sign up for WrenchersParlor as a seller to use our Payment Services, which will result in your shop accepting payment through authorized credit and debit card transactions and some bank transfer services through payment processors PayPal, and Stripe. There is no credit card data stored or provided to WrenchersParlor. Only the payment processor utilized gathers this data and NEVER shared or stored by WrenchersParlor.

B. Payment Accounts.
A payment account allows sellers to track payment amounts, refunds, and fees related to transactions and seller services. Sellers must provide accurate personal information as requested during registration, and are responsible for maintaining and updating that information as necessary. Sellers will not impersonate any person or use a name he or she is not legally authorized to use.

C. Disputes.
Sellers agree to resolve any disputes directly with a buyer or with the assistance of the dispute management and refund tools available on WrenchersParlor, and in accordance with our Seller Policy and Terms and Conditions. In the event that a dispute is escalated to WrenchersParlor’s Support Team, WrenchersParlor reserves the right to issue a refund to a buyer if a transaction is found to be in violation of WrenchersParlor’s Seller Policy and Terms and Conditions.

In the event that a buyer submits a chargeback, WrenchersParlor will respond to the credit card networks on behalf of the seller involved in the transaction; the seller agrees to provide any requested information to us within five calendar days of the request. WrenchersParlor reserves the right to recoup funds associated with buyer chargebacks.

D. Communications.
We will inform sellers of each transaction, or of other information pertaining to WrenchersParlor Payment Services, using our standard communication procedures (detailed in our Electronic Communications Policy), including by email or through WrenchersParlor’s Inquiries tool.

E. Refunds.
Refunds or adjustments paid by WrenchersParlor to buyers for payments made through WrenchersParlor Payment Services may be initiated using the refund functionality in the seller’s payment account. Any such funds paid by WrenchersParlor to cover refunds will be deducted from the seller’s payment account balance. If there are insufficient funds to cover the amount of the refund, the balance will be added to the seller’s WrenchersParlor bill.

F. International Trade Laws.
You agree that your use of WrenchersParlor Payment Services will not involve any countries, entities, individuals or items prohibited by sanctions, embargoes, regulations or orders administered by the US Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) or other government agencies.

G. Information on Cardholder Charges.
Please note that your bank or card provider may charge additional fees (including cross-border fees) for transactions that you make on WrenchersParlor. These fees are not charged by WrenchersParlor and are at the discretion of your bank. Please contact your bank for further details.

 Appointment of WrenchersParlor as Limited Collection Agent for Sellers

Each seller appoints WrenchersParlor as its agent for the limited purpose of receiving, holding and settling Payment Services to seller. WrenchersParlor will settle Payment Services that are actually received by WrenchersParlor to each seller, less any amounts owed to WrenchersParlor and subject to these Terms. Each seller agrees that a buyer payment received by WrenchersParlor, on behalf of seller, satisfies the buyer’s obligations to make payment to seller, regardless of whether WrenchersParlor actually settles such payment to seller. If WrenchersParlor does not settle any such payment as described in these Terms to a seller, such seller will have recourse only against WrenchersParlor and not the buyer.


All funds resulting from a completed transaction will be reflected as a balance in a seller’s payment account. Transactions are considered complete once the payment is approved by WrenchersParlor or our fraud analysis service provider. Any refunds, adjustments, or other amounts paid to buyers in connection with purchases, or for funds received since the last payment day, are also applied to the seller’s payment account balance.

Funds in a payment account balance are eligible for deposit (the “Available Funds”) into a seller’s bank account at the end of any applicable deposit delay, reserve, or hold period as determined by the seller’s bank. Funds can also be deposited to a seller’s PayPal, or Stripe.

Country and Currency Options. Available Funds can only be deposited into bank accounts, in the domestic currency of the account, in the United States.

If we believe that a seller’s actions may result in buyer disputes, chargebacks, or other claims, then we may, in our sole discretion, put (1) a hold, (2) a deposit delay, or (3) a reserve on the seller’s payment account balance.

A hold may be put on funds associated with a particular transaction if there is a dispute or investigation related to the order, for the shorter of: (a) 180 days after the estimated delivery date; or (b) completion of any investigation regarding the seller’s actions.

Deposit delays are defined as the number of days between a sale and the day the net amount from the sale becomes available for deposit, provided the payment has been completed. A deposit delay may be between 0 and 180 days. A deposit delay is applied across all transactions for a seller and the number of days is reflected in each seller’s payment account.

A reserve is defined as a fixed percentage of a seller’s payment account balance delayed prior to being included as part of a seller’s Available Funds for a period of up to 180 days.

If WrenchersParlor places a hold, a deposit delay or a reserve on a seller’s account, we’ll do our best to communicate with the affected seller as soon as we can.

We always work hard to avoid and minimize any delays. However, please note that WrenchersParlor is not obligated to refund any fees or reimburse any expenses due to holds or delayed deposits.

If WrenchersParlor cannot settle funds into a seller’s payment method account, the funds will remain in the seller’s payment account. It is the seller’s sole responsibility to update his or her payment method account information to receive the funds. If a seller fails to update the information to claim the funds within a certain period of time, WrenchersParlor will escheat the funds to the relevant government authority in order to comply with escheatment laws.


A. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to seek reimbursement from a seller in any of the following circumstances: (a) we provide a refund to a buyer because a seller did not promptly deliver the goods or we otherwise determine, consistent with the Seller Rights and Responsibilities Section, that a refund is warranted in a particular circumstance, (b) we discover erroneous or duplicate transactions related to a seller, (c) we receive a chargeback from a buyer’s credit card issuer or reversal of payment for the amount of a buyer’s purchase from a seller, or (d) a seller does not act in accordance with WrenchersParlor’s Terms and Conditions.

B. We may obtain reimbursement of any amounts owed by a seller to WrenchersParlor by deducting from future Payment Services owed to the seller, reversing any credits to the seller’s payment account balance, charging the seller’s bill, or seeking reimbursement from the seller by any other lawful means, including by using third-party collections services. You authorize us to use any or all of the foregoing methods to seek reimbursement.

Payment Processing Transaction Fees

A. Overview.
WrenchersParlor charges a fee (the “Payment Processing Transaction Fee”) for processing each transaction through WrenchersParlor Payment Services. The fee amount will be assessed on the gross order amount, including shipping and tax (if applicable). Payment Processing Transaction Fees will be reflected in your payment account and will be deducted from the total amount of the payment at the time the payment is considered complete. We reserve the right to modify the Payment Processing Transaction Fee at any time. In the event of any partial or full refunds credited back to a buyer, the Payment Processing Transaction Fee will be recalculated based on the adjusted sale price. The difference between the original Payment Processing Transaction Fee and the adjusted Payment Processing Transaction Fee will be applied to any applicable refund amount being credited back to the seller.

B. Fee Amount.

They charge a payment processing – per transaction fee.

These transaction fees will be added to your account:

  • 2.9% + $0.30 cents per transaction.

C. Listing Currency Conversion Considerations for Sellers.
When a seller lists and subsequently sells an item in a currency other than the currency of the seller’s payment account, WrenchersParlor will settle the associated transaction proceeds in the currency of the seller’s payment account. When such a service is required, WrenchersParlor applies an additional 2.5% transaction charge. Calculation rates are updated hourly.

D. Interest.
In the United States, WrenchersParlor may earn interest or other compensation from the balances in our bank accounts that result from the timing difference between our being paid by buyers and our bank account being debited to pay payment account Available Funds to sellers.

Reporting Obligations

Internal Revenue Service regulations require that we file a Form 1099-K to report unadjusted annual gross sales information for sellers located in the United States or being paid in USD that meet both of the following thresholds in a calendar year (reporting):

A. More than $20,000 USD in gross sales, and
B. More than 200 transactions.

To comply with these regulations, sellers who approach 150 (one hundred and fifty) transactions in a calendar year, regardless of sales volume and aggregated across his or her Shops, will be required to provide taxpayer-identification information to WrenchersParlor.