Shipping Policy

<< Back To Terms & Conditions is USA based only. No international shipping.

This Shipping Policy explains your shipping obligations as a seller.

This policy is a part of our Terms and Conditions. By using, you’re agreeing to this policy and our Terms and Conditions.

Shipping Your Items

Sellers are responsible for shipping their sold items to buyers. If you’re using a shipping or fulfillment service, please keep in mind that you are ultimately responsible for making sure that your buyers receive the item(s) they purchased from your store.

By selling on WrenchersParlor, you agree to:

  • Provide an accurate “ships from” address.
  • Specify your shipping costs and processing times in your listings.
  • Ship items promptly after they are sold. Prompt shipping means that you ship each item within 2 business days of purchase, unless you specify otherwise in your processing time or agree to a different shipping period with the buyer through Inquiries.
  • Comply with all local and international shipping and customs regulations.
  • Shipping to the wrong address is likely to result in a non-delivery case, so make sure to ship to the address listed on WrenchersParlor.
  • Mark the order as shipped when you ship it. Remember that you may only mark an order as shipped after you actually have shipped it.
  • Charge an appropriate amount for shipping.

By entering tracking information or delivery confirmation on WrenchersParlor, you’re giving us permission to collect and share this data received from your chosen shipping carrier with the buyer.

In the unlikely event an order does not arrive, be prepared to provide valid proof of shipping. Valid proof of shipping must show that the item actually was shipped and that it was sent to the address provided on WrenchersParlor. If a buyer does not receive their order, they may file a case against your store.